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Forming an LLC in Any of the 50 States

Man signing papers.
  • LLC requirements vary from state to state
  • If you’ll be conducting business in multiple states, you may need to register with each state
  • A guide from Nolo offers state-by-state guidance

If you choose an LLC for your business structure, there are certain steps you’ll take no matter where you are. Articles of incorporation must be filed with your secretary of state’s office, and a filing fee must be paid.

However, the rules for establishing an LLC will vary in other ways depending on your state. Some will have additional registration steps, annual fees, or other requirements. This can be particularly important for companies that conduct business across state lines, since you may need to register your company in those states as well.

One useful tool for determining the laws and regulations for forming an LLC in each of the 50 states is provided by the legal site Nolo. The site outlines the requirements for each state as well as a tool to start your LLC online.

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