- NAICS codes are a 2- to 6-digit code that help businesses with getting loans and government-related services
- Businesses that wish to become government contractors or verified veteran-owned businesses especially need this
- Tips for you to know how to get NAICSs codes.
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by the United States, Canada, and Mexico to classify businesses by industry. Each business is classified into a six-digit NAICS code number based on the majority of activity at the business.
There are several benefits of knowing your business NAICSs code(s):
- Compete for government contracts and grants
- Get certifications from the Small Business Administration and Department of Veterans Affairs
- Improve your business loan posture
Visit the NAICS section of the U.S. Census Bureau website to learn more about these benefits, how the government uses these codes, and and how to get NAICS codes for your business. An FAQ section is available here.