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Business News Roundup, April 28, 2021

A new White House spending initiative, eased mask guidance, office space conversions, improved consumer confidence, and easier COVID-19 vaccine access in Connecticut are among the top business news items this morning.


President Joe Biden will discuss his next major spending proposal in his address to Congress tonight, urging members to approve $1.8 trillion to support children and families. The measures include the establishment of a national paid family and medical leave program, support to limit the share of income families spend on child care, and two free years of community college for all students.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention eased guidance on outdoor mask protocols in a Tuesday update, saying people who are fully vaccinated don’t need to wear a face covering. However, the CDC says masks should still be worn by vaccinated individuals when attending large gatherings of strangers, such as outdoor concerts or sports events.

Business trends

Developers in some major American metropolises, as well cities elsewhere in the world, are pursuing plans to convert vacant downtown commercial space into apartments. Several major employers have significantly reduced their urban office footprint to save costs as remote work becomes more permanent.

Consumer confidence in the U.S. economy improved for the fourth consecutive month in April. The Conference Board measure likely reflects greater optimism as amid ongoing vaccination efforts, relaxed business restrictions, and improved hiring.


Connecticut has begun accepting walk-in appointments at several COVID-19 vaccine clinics as more residents get vaccinated and demand decreases, leaving more supply available. The state continues to urge people to get vaccinated, with nearly two-thirds of eligible adults having received at least one dose as of Monday.

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