- 5G wireless networks provide improved internet capacity and speed, allowing small businesses to ramp up their digital strategy
- New services can allow for better employee efficiency and customer experiences
- T Mobile for Business post looks at the potential benefits available to companies
Summary by Dirk Langeveld
With the advent of 5G wireless networks, small businesses have an opportunity to update their digital strategies with a wide range of new services.
5G enables more businesses to be supported per square mile and makes improvements to internet bandwidth, speed, capacity, and coverage. A T Mobile for Business post on Forbes looks at how these benefits can open the door to more innovative developments that can allow small companies to improve customer experiences and be more competitive.
- 5G can provide faster video services, augmented and virtual reality experiences, and better integration with smart devices
- The networks also allow for more immersive on the job training through AR and VR
- By providing faster feedback and guidance from managers, 5G can help improve employee productivity
- 5G can also pave the way for new business opportunities, innovations, business models, and products and services through improvements to data and business insights as well as supply chains