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CBIA Shares COVID-19 Leadership Lessons From Connecticut’s Women Business Leaders

  • CBIA shares leadership lessons from its recent When Women Lead conference
  • Women leaders of Connecticut companies emphasize the importance of listening, patience, and empathy
  • Providing a reassuring example, addressing the needs of women employees, and communicating with workers among other lessons

Summary by Dirk Langeveld

The Connecticut Business & Industry Association has shared some of the leadership lessons imparted at its recent When Women Lead conference, which featured women CEOs of Connecticut-based companies.

Speakers noted how the COVID-19 pandemic created unique challenges for business leaders. In particular, it emphasized the importance of listening to employee and customer needs, being patient, and empathizing with their needs.

Connecticut’s women business leaders also advocated for:

  • The importance of remaining calm and providing an example that can reassure employees and customers
  • Providing networking opportunities, mentoring, and other resources to support women employees, who have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic
  • Stronger communication with employees to be better aware of their situation

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