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Connecticut Earns Award Recognizing High-Value Investment Projects in the State

  • Connecticut earns economic development honors in two national magazines
  • Area Development Magazine gives the state the Silver Shovel Award for attracting high-value investment projects
  • Business Facilities Magazine gives Connecticut high marks in several categories

Summary by Dirk Langeveld

Two national magazines have recognized Connecticut’s economic development strengths in their annual awards and rankings, according to AdvanceCT.

Area Development Magazine gave the Silver Shovel Award in its 3-5 million population category. This award recognizes states for attracting high-value investment projects, ranking the 10 projects submitted for consideration based on the number of new jobs created per capita, the combined capital investments, the number of new facilities created, and the diversity of the industries represented.

Business Facilities Magazine ranked Connecticut as second in the nation for average annual income, fourth for pandemic leadership and aerospace/defense leadership, and fifth in offshore wind and education.

Peter Denious, president and CEO of AdvanceCT, said the reflect the organization’s belief that Connecticut “has momentum” and is “on a good trajectory.”

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