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Echoing Biden’s Call, Lamont Calls on Connecticut Businesses to Push COVID-19 Vaccinations

  • Governor Ned Lamont encourages businesses and labor leaders to incentive COVID-19 vaccines for workers
  • Call comes soon after similar appeal from President Joe Biden and as Connecticut plans to lift business restrictions on May 19
  • Daily positivity rate falls to 1.78 percent

Summary by Dirk Langeveld

Governor Ned Lamont has encouraged for employers and labor leaders to provide incentives encouraging workers to get a COVID-19 vaccine, echoing a recent call from President Joe Biden for the same action. The appeals come as vaccine supplies begin to outpace demand in Connecticut and elsewhere.

  • Lamont suggests incentive such as paid time off, free lunches, and raffles for those who get a dose
  • Connecticut Business & Industry Association CEO Chris DiPentima says many businesses are keen for residents to get vaccinated as an end to state business restrictions has been scheduled for May 19
  • Latest COVID-19 data issued Wednesday shows a daily positivity rate of 1.78 percent in Connecticut and 2.83 million shots administered, including about 1.18 million fully vaccinated

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