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Entrepreneurship as a State of Mind

  • Entrepreneurs can easily sabotage their business if they approach it with the wrong attitude
  • A business coach weighs in on common viewpoints that can foster success
  • Knowing your motivations and goals, understanding that there will be challenges, and more

Every entrepreneur has their own motivations for starting a business. You may want to sell a product that can meet the needs of a large group of consumers, offer a service that can assist those in your community, or simply find success on your own while acting as your own boss.

However, entrepreneurs can also be their own biggest obstacle. If you second-guess your decisions, lose track of your goals, or otherwise approach your business with the wrong mindset, you’re less likely to succeed.

Renee Warren, a business coach, recently outlined some of the common viewpoints she encounters in advising entrepreneurs. These include considering why you’re starting a business, assessing your goals, knowing that there will always be challenges along the way, and building your self-confidence.

The full article can be read here.

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