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Governor Lamont Releases Statewide Strategic Plan on Connecticut Workforce Development

  • Governor’s Workforce Council releases strategic plan on how Connecticut’s workforce development efforts can address current needs and adapt to the future
  • Recommendations include skills-based pilot hiring initiatives, talent retention organizations, and better access to child care and transportation
  • Special focus on manufacturing, IT, health care, and life sciences

Governor Ned Lamont has released a strategic plan on workforce development for Connecticut based on the recommendations of the Governor’s Workforce Council. The plan seeks to meet the state’s current needs and adapt to the future by establishing a “coordinated, statewide strategy for building an equitable, inclusive, and innovative workforce.”

The plan focuses on four key areas: developing a workforce agenda that meets the needs of businesses and industries in Connecticut, building an educational system to meet these needs, supporting students and job seekers in their efforts to participate in the workforce, and developing a data system infrastructure to track workforce progress and outcomes over time.

The report places emphasis on manufacturing, IT, health care, and life sciences. Its recommendations include the establishment of training programs in these areas by the end of 2021, along with a regional school career advisory system and eight regional sector partnerships. It also calls for the establishment of skills-based hiring initiatives, talent retention organizations in three cities, and the creation of a Connecticut credential registry.

The plan acknowledges the need for broader infrastructure improvements as part of these efforts. In particular, it says improvements need to be made to the state’s child care capacity, transportation access, and options for workers with mental health issues.

Council members met with stakeholders such as educators, state and national lawmakers, industry representatives, community-based organizations, and state agencies in crafting their report. The council began its work in November, and says the COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasized the need for Connecticut to “upskill” its workforce.

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