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How Can You Make Your Company a Fairer Workplace?

  • Employees who think their workplace is fair are more likely to perform better and less likely to quit
  • However, a recent poll suggests that only about one in five workplaces actually have high fairness
  • Tips on how companies can create a fairer environment

Summary by Dirk Langeveld

Employees are more likely to be satisfied when they believe they are treated fairly at their company. But a recent survey from Gartner Inc. suggests that few workplaces can actually boast this environment.

The Gartner 2021 ReimagineHR Employee Survey, which polled 3,500 employees in the third quarter of 2021, found that just 18 percent of workers considered that their workplace had high fairness and that their own employee experience was fair. Human resources managers offered similar feedback, with just 22 percent characterizing their company as having high fairness.

A high fairness environment was defined as one where employees perceive that they receive fair treatment from their manager and company. These employees are more likely to perform better and less likely to quit.

Gartner offered several strategies for how companies can improve their fairness, including improving the transparency of company information, pursuing programs designed to offer support to employees, including employees in consideration for advancement opportunities instead of relying more on outside referrals, and offering recognition for accomplishments.

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