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How COVID-19 Has Changed Company Missions

  • Business Insider survey looks at how companies have changed their missions during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Shifts tend to promote public health and societal benefits
  • Larger companies have shown more willingness to turn to small businesses for solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic has often led many companies to make subtle changes to their missions and how they do business, according to a recent survey by Business Insider.

In a poll of 53 companies in its Transforming Business series, the site sought to determine how the pandemic has affected their leadership strategies and future plans. CEOs often reported that they had quietly started to emphasize certain qualities in their products and services, such as their ability to promote public health and support social distancing efforts. Updated missions also seek to show that the company supports safe workplaces and societal benefits.

Some companies have adapted their products to incorporate health-conscious features. CEOs also expect that there will be new pressure from customers to ensure that companies are able to meet unexpected challenges, including resilient supply chains to avoid shipping delays and other problems. In addition, larger companies have shown a greater willingness to turn to small businesses to find innovative solutions to problems.

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