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How to Find the Right Candidate Quickly When Remote Hiring

  • Companies have turned to digital methods for hiring and onboarding new employees during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Hiring the wrong person can be a considerable blow to your bottom line as well as your company’s productivity
  • Tips for making the right call when bringing on talent

With the COVID-19 pandemic shuttering many office locations and driving companies to digital work environments, hiring has changed considerably as well. Employers are likely to be more accustomed to bringing on new workers after in-person interviews instead of speaking to them by phone or video chat.

Yet companies that have embraced the shift have often discovered that remote hiring is preferable to the traditional method. In a survey by Criteria, a talent assessment software company, found that 58 percent of respondents have used video interviews in 2020 and fewer companies were reporting that it was a challenge to find high-quality candidates.

Making the right hires is critical to your company’s success. It takes time, money, and effort to onboard a new employee, and it will all be for naught if the worker isn’t a good fit and ends up leaving the company after a short time.

The business magazine Fast Company recently shared some advice for making remote hiring more efficient and effective. These include using professional networking connections to find talent, ensuring that job responsibilities are clearly defined, and establishing a system that can be easily replicated for multiple hires. It is also important to have adequate IT systems in place and to use them after the employee comes on board to maintain communications.

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