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Incubator for Bioscience Companies Set to Open in New Haven This October

  • Bioscience incubator set to open in New Haven in October
  • New Haven Innovation Labs will include eight offices and five laboratories
  • A collaboration between the John B. Pierce Laboratory and CTNext

Summary by Dirk Langeveld

A new incubator for startup and existing bioscience companies is set to open in New Haven this October, offering much-needed laboratory space and resources for Connecticut’s growing bioscience industry.

New Haven Innovation Labs will be a 7,360-square-foot facility located within the John B. Pierce Laboratory at the Yale University School of Medicine. The incubator is a collaboration between the laboratory and BioCT, which is building off the success of its previous bioscience incubator, BioCT Innovation Commons, in Groton.

  • The space will include eight offices, four private or semi-private labs, one shared bench lab with 14 benches, and other amenities such as a conference room and cafe
  • BioCT will provide educational programs as well as access to additional amenities, such as legal and accounting services and a savings program
  • New Haven Innovation Labs is being funded through a private investment from the John B. Pierce Laboratory as well as a grant from CTNext through the New Haven Innovation Collaborative (NHIC), one of four Innovation Places programs supported by CTNext

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