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OSHA Revises Handbook for Small Businesses

  • OSHA, in partnership with the National Institute for Occupational Safety, updates its Small Business Safety and Health Handbook
  • The handbook is designed to help small business employers identify and address workplace safety issues
  • Topics include fire protection, hazard communication, walking-working surfaces, and more

Summary by Dirk Langeveld

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has partnered with the National Institute for Occupational Safety to revise a handbook workplace safety for small business employers.

The Small Business Safety and Heath Handbook includes information on the benefits of establishing a workplace safety and health program, self-inspection checklists for employers, and a list of resources for employers to consult.

The handbook is designed to help employers identify and address workplace hazards that could cause injury or illness. The checklists address areas such as fire protection, hazard communication, permit-required confined spaces, respiratory protection and walking-working surfaces, with specific topics such as electrical safety, escape routes, equipment safety, materials handling, and noise exposure.

The handbook is not intended for maritime or construction industries.

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