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Six Connecticut Manufacturers Receive Additive Manufacturing Grants

  • Six Connecticut manufacturers receive $100,000 each to support their operations with additive manufacturing
  • Recipients will provide funds at least equal to the award
  • Additive manufacturing allows companies to craft high-quality components and parts, allowing for greater efficiency and savings

Summary by Dirk Langeveld

Six Connecticut manufacturers will each receive a $100,000 grant to help support their operations with additive manufacturing.

Governor Ned Lamont, the Department of Economic and Community Development, and the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology announced the awards. The funds are being provided through the Additive Manufacturing Adoption Program, which is part of CCAT’s Connecticut Manufacturing Supply Chain Program, and recipients will provide a match equaling or exceeding the grant funds.

The grants were awarded to Accurate Lock and Hardware Co. LLC  of Stamford, Beacon Industries Inc. of Newington, Burke Aerospace of Farmington, Okay Industries Inc. of New Britain, PTA Plastics of Oxford, and Westminster Tool Inc. of Plainfield.

Additive manufacturing allows businesses to design and manufacture high-quality components and products using plastic and metals. The technology allows manufacturers to realize benefits such as reducing waste, speeding up lead time, cutting down on the amount of inventory held, and reducing the number of parts needed for assembly.

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