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The Benefits of an “Always Hiring” Recruitment Strategy for Your Business

  • When active recruitment can be preferable to seeking job candidates only based on need or demand
  • An “always hiring” approach can assist with employee retention and finding unexpected talent
  • The approach invites applicants based on desired qualities, experience, or other factors rather than advertising for a specific job

Summary by Dirk Langeveld

Signs advertising “Help Wanted” or “We’re Hiring” have become more plentiful as businesses cope with labor shortages and try to fill available openings. However, a recent article in Forbes advises that this kind of active recruitment should be a permanent feature of companies.

Jeanne Hardy, founder and CEO of the financial advisory firm Creative Business Inc., says an “always hiring” approach can help improve employee retention. She says that while many businesses only hire when needed or during high-demand periods, this approach can discover talent during unexpected times.

Rather than advertising for a specific job, an “always hiring” strategy invites applicants based on desired qualities, experience, or other factors. This can also offer more flexibility in establishing job duties and responsibilities when bringing on a new hire.

The approach can put more demands on your human resources department and require additional time for planning hires and meeting with candidates. As such, you should have an adequate interview process and ensure that your HR department has access to tools such as digital hiring platforms to assist them.

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