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U.S. Chamber Opens Its Salesforce Fellowship Program to Service Members

  • Salesforce Fellowship Program extends into 2021 after successful pilot year
  • Eligibility opens to military service members after the program was originally open only to veterans and military spouses
  • 12-week internships offer training and experience necessary to connect with tech job opportunities

Summary by Dirk Langeveld

Following a “significantly successful pilot year,” the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the cloud-based software company Salesforce are extending their Salesforce Fellowship Program for the military community into this year.

The Salesforce Fellowship Program provides 12-week internships, running three times a year, with participating companies to provide on-the-job training and experience necessary to connect participants with tech careers in the Salesforce system. It was previously only available to veterans and military spouses, but service members will also be able to attend in 2021.

The program is part of the Chamber’s Hiring Our Heroes initiative, which works to help service members, veterans, and military spouses find meaningful employment opportunities. In 2020, 60 people attended the program with 30 participating companies. Graduates had an 87 percent job offer rate with an average starting salary of $87,000.

Anyone looking to participate in the Salesforce Fellowship Program must be certified through Salesforce Military, a free training program.

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