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UConn School of Business to Begin Offering Master’s Degree in Fintech

  • University of Connecticut School of Business will begin financial technology master’s program in spring of 2022
  • Lessons will include advanced business analytics, technology solutions, and financial services
  • Applicants should have a “strong aptitude in business, technology, and coding, and an entrepreneurial mindset”

Summary by Dirk Langeveld

The University of Connecticut School of Business will begin offering a master’s program in financial technology beginning in the spring of 2022. The school says the program aims to provide opportunities for students to meet the growing utilization of fintech in several industries.

The program will:

  • Address developments in the fintech field such as blockchain and cryptocurrency, automated insurance underwriting, and digital payment options
  • Combine lessons in advanced business analytics, technology solutions, and financial services
  • Support students in finding careers in the financial, insurance, medical, and regulatory fields
  • Seek applicants with “strong aptitude in business, technology, and coding, and an entrepreneurial mindset”

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