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Workers Looking to Employers to Adopt AI to Improve Their Productivity

  • Survey finds majority of workers think artificial intelligence improves their workplace performance and are urging employer to deploy more AI technology
  • Findings mark an easing of concerns that AI could result in job losses
  • About half of respondents see AI as improving their decision-making, accelerating time to insights, or enabling them to achieve a better work/life balance

Summary by Dirk Langeveld

A majority of workers in a recent poll said they are embracing artificial intelligence as a way to improve and streamline their performance at work. The findings mark an easing of concerns that AI might replace human workers.

The SnapLogic survey of 400 workers in the United States and United Kingdom found that 81 percent believed that AI improved their overall performance, while 68 percent had called on their employer to deploy more AI technology to help them complete their tasks. While the survey did not define AI, 56 percent said they use it as part of their daily work and 89 percent felt it could help with up to half of their tasks.

  • Respondents saw AI as particularly useful in data management, including explaining data and identifying patterns and trends
  • 61 percent of respondents said AI has helped them have a more efficient and productive workday
  • About half believed AI improved their decision-making, accelerated time to insights, or enabled them to achieve a better work/life balance
  • A separate survey by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Deloitte AI Institute found that 56 percent of respondents believed consumers will gain trust in AI as it helps improve their productivity and decision-making

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