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Boston Bar Association

  • The oldest bar association in the United States
  • A professional organization for those in the legal profession
  • A resource for lawyers as well as the public


The oldest bar association in the United States, the Boston Bar Association draws members from private practice, corporations, government agencies, legal aid organizations, the courts, and law schools. The BBA provides a number of resources to members and is also active in public policy, education, and community matters.

Who’s it for?

For businesses and individuals in Boston-area cities and towns seeking legal information.


Advance the highest standards of excellence for the legal profession, facilitate access to justice, foster a diverse and inclusive professional community, and serve the community at large.

Resources & Services

Membership Benefits

BBA members receive access to benefits such as legal research services, referrals, discounts on software, and more.

Public Service

The BBA recognizes the importance of serving the larger community and providing legal services to those in need. It offers a number of service opportunities to allow members to give back to the community while developing their skills in different areas of law.

Lawyer Referral Service

A public service of the BBA referring clients to lawyers or other resources that specialize in the area of law related to your specific situation.


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