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  • Buzgate is a nonprofit organization that provides resources and solutions to businesses
  • Businesses in all states can use this state-filtered resource during their startup and growth stages
  • Localized help and information based on your state

About standards for Business and Utility through a centralized Zone that promotes awareness and access to a Gateway of real people, offering real solutions to real small business challenges.

Who’s it for?

Small business owners, freelancers, and government contractors


Mission™ is an award-winning entrepreneurial education and resource community tailored to individuals looking to start, grow, and succeed in business. Public/private collaboration is the driving force behind robust engagement where “all users add value and all users receive value.

Resources & Services

Free Help

Offers help based on services and agencies.


Solutions provide information and resources related to different topics.


  • Startup business checklist provides you a brief checklist when starting your business
  • 5 Step Venture Mentoring Program is an online, interactive mentoring program that provides a thorough, step-by-step framework for developing business skills, knowledge and a support network


Fund portal provides a list of free funding programs for small businesses.


Train portal provides a list of training programs that will help you learn how to employ yourself and improve your business skills.



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Know Your Competitors

By Denis Jakuc 

There are tons of benefits to knowing who your competitors are—what they’re offering, their strengths and weaknesses. That knowledge can help you make your products and services stand out,

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