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Connecticut State Office of Military Affairs

  • Works to advocate on behalf of Connecticut’s defense industry and military
  • Acts as a congressional liaison, defense industry promoter, and more
  • Resources available to industries, veterans, and military families


Operating under the Department of Economic and Community Development, the Connecticut State Office of Military Affairs advocates on behalf of the state’s defense industry. It also works to support Connecticut’s military families and coordinate efforts to prevent any proposals to downsize or close the U.S. Navy’s submarine base in Groton.

Who’s it for?

Businesses involved in defense or military matters.


To enhance military and defense industry presence in Connecticut and advocate for the many organizations and people in our state who serve and support our nation’s defense.

Resources & Services


The Connecticut State Office of Military Affairs conducts a number of advocacy efforts, including acting as a liaison to the state’s congressional delegation on military or defense issues, encouraging the retention of existing defense industries and working to attract new ones, coordinating efforts to fight any proposals to downsize or close the U.S. Navy’s submarine base at Groton, and offering support to Connecticut’s military families.


The website of the Connecticut State Office of Military Affairs serves as a portal for news, studies, and other information on the state’s defense industries and military. A specific industry portal provides links to information on contracting with the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs, and others.



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