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Credit Union League of Connecticut

  • An organization supporting credit unions in Connecticut
  • Provides educational training and networking opportunities
  • Dues-subsidized audits allow members to see if they are in compliance with rules and regulations


This organization works to support the growth of Connecticut’s credit unions and sustain their impact on the communities they serve. The Credit Union League of Connecticut offers services in areas such as government relations, regulatory compliance, marketing, education, and vendor partnerships. In addition to state and federal legislative advocacy, CULC offers a number of resources and networking opportunities to members.

Who’s it for?

Connecticut credit unions


The Credit Union League of Connecticut serves, advocates for, and advances the interests of Connecticut credit unions in order to support their growth and maximize the positive impact credit unions have on their members, communities, employees, and on all their relationships.

Resources & Services

Education and Events

CULC hosts a regular slate of webinars on topics such as compliance, marketing, operations, and human resources. It also hosts the Connecticut CU Executive Education Program, a two-year program for rising executives to receive well-rounded credit union experience.

League Services Corporation

A wholly owned subsidiary of CULC, the League Services Corporation helps credit unions find vendor partners in areas such as cybersecurity, IT, marketing, office supplies, operations, and insurance. It also hosts a number of strategic and collaborative programs on topics such as compliance services, loan participation, operational assistance, and strategic planning.


CULC members meet at quarterly networking events to discuss issues within their field. The organization maintains distinct networks for those in cybersecurity, compliance, and marketing, as well as a young professionals networking group.


CULC offers dues-subsidized on-site audits to ensure that member credit unions are in compliance with rules and regulations. It can also review credit unions’ websites to ensure that they are compliant with federal regulatory requirements


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