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Massachusetts Community & Banking Council

  • Provides a collaborative forum for Massachusetts financial institutions
  • Help to connect with the community organizations and programs
  • Improves credit availability in low- to middle-income communities


Massachusetts Community & Banking Council provides a collaborative forum for Massachusetts financial institutions and community organizations to meet and share information with the goal of affecting positive change in the availability of credit and financial services in traditionally underserved communities across the Commonwealth. The organization keeps members informed with up-to-date research and helps make connections to target communities.

Who’s it for?

Businesses in Massachusetts


To affect positive change in the availability of credit and financial services across the Commonwealth.

Resources & Services

Small Business Lending Toolkit

This resource directory provides easy access to information on organizations and programs that can provide technical assistance to small businesses on a variety of financial services.


MCBC resources provide information on topics such as banking services, the Community Reinvestment Act, mortgage lending, and small business lending.


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