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  • Identifies and supports entrepreneurs creating companies around blockchain, government, and civic technologies
  • For entrepreneurs with ideas and early-stage business plans
  • Assists businesses with growth and scaling in Quincy and south of Boston


QUBIC Labs is an organization committed to strengthening the local and regional economy through the development of startups and through the creation of good-paying technology jobs. Members can form connections with advisors and partners to access talent, find customers, acquire financing, and take other steps necessary to start and grow their business.

Who’s it for?

Entrepreneurs with ideas and early-stage business plans.


Create 1,000 jobs over the next 10 years, and support business in stimulating the innovation economy just south of Boston.

Resources & Services

Membership Benefits

Members enjoy benefits such as shared office space, mentorship, operational support, and access to capital.

Partnership Benefits

QUBIC Labs partners, along with donors and sponsors, can invest in promising startups, access high-growth companies and their customers, access partners, and enjoy branding, public relations, and community development benefits.


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By Denis Jakuc 

There are tons of benefits to knowing who your competitors are—what they’re offering, their strengths and weaknesses. That knowledge can help you make your products and services stand out,

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