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City of Stamford Logo
  • A comprehensive resource on properties, incentives, and other information related to Stamford’s business community
  • Businesses ranging from banking to tech have made their home in the city
  • For entrepreneurs looking to do business in Stamford


A growing city that is home to several Fortune 500 companies and the headquarters of numerous major companies, Stamford is one of the most prominent cities in Connecticut. The city’s Office of Economic Development has created the resource for entrepreneurs looking to do business in the city. This website includes information on business and tax incentives, commercial leases, and more.

Who’s it for?

Startups and entrepreneurs who would like to set up shop in Stamford.


To continue making Stamford a great place to live and work.

Resources & Services


The website includes an overview of Stamford’s amenities, an overview of available incentives, and a database of commercial properties, current developments, and other information.


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