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UMass Dartmouth Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • A national research university that offers a private college educational experience and public university value
  • For students technology-driven startups looking to work with an academic institution
  • Provides office space, prototyping services, laboratory resources, interns, programming, mentoring, networking and a community of mutual support


UMass Dartmouth is a national research university that offers a private college educational experience and public university value. Its Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship serves as an incubator for technology-driven emerging companies to capitalize on a variety of resources, ranging from office space to technical assistance.

Who’s it for?

Technology-driven startups


Prepare students to compete in the global innovation economy while strengthening the economic and cultural life of the region and Commonwealth.

Resources & Services

CIE, Batoi Group, and BCube Partnership

This partnership between The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (UMass Dartmouth CIE), Batoi Systems Pvt Ltd, and BCube Analytics Inc., will provide a valuable resource for the companies and stakeholders of the social development initiatives in India. It will provide them access to the world-class academics and faculty, research and advanced prototyping facilities located at the CIE in Fall River, Massachusetts.

Incubator Space

CIE acts as an incubator and a single point of contact for businesses to find the resources they need, including office space, prototyping services, laboratory resources, interns, programming, mentoring, networking and a community of mutual support


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