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University of Connecticut Avery Point

  • A public research university fulfilling the University of Connecticut’s responsibilities as a sea grant institution
  • In addition to educational programming, UConn Avery Point supports research and community outreach activities
  • A hub for maritime research organizations in the region


Established in 1967, UConn Avery Point is structured as a public research university with a small college setting. Located on the shores of Long Island Sound, the campus fulfills the University of Connecticut’s responsibilities as a sea grant institution by contributing to research and studies on marine and maritime issues. UConn Avery Point also offers liberal arts undergraduate programming, graduate and professional activities, research activities, and community outreach activities.

Who’s it for?

Marine science enterprises looking for a partner or access to student interns or employees


We approach our mission with a commitment to excellence, ethical action, and inclusiveness for which the four interdependent core values define our mission: innovation, leadership, global engagement, and diversity.

Resources & Services

Center for Career Development

UConn Avery Point’s Center for Career Development helps connect those in its programs with employers in the region. Employers have the opportunity to post jobs or internships to recruit talented students and alumni.

UConn Marine Enterprise

The facilities on campus at Avery Point, ranging from research laboratories to a fleet of small boats, make it a hub for numerous scientific enterprises. These include the research labs for Mystic Aquarium, the Connecticut Sea Grant, the Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation, and Project Oceanology.


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