Enforcement of Connecticut’s rigorous COVID-19 rules has helped maintain consistently low infection rates, but this also has the potential to harm the state’s economy
Hotels and lodging have not been asked to screen guests, though several have done so voluntarily
Health commitment has been used in tourism marketing, but pitches are limited to neighboring states
Campaign encourages Connecticut and Rhode Island residents to continue visiting each others states despite new COVID-19 restriction regarding Rhode Island
Recent travel advisory adds Rhode Island to list of states whose residents and visitors must quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in Connecticut
Restriction does not apply to visits of less than 24 hours
Based on updated guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development says workers who contracted COVID-19 no longer need to test negative for the virus before returning to work
Individuals should still meet three criteria to safely resume workplace activities
Extra caution recommended for workers whose cases were more severe
As work-from-home arrangements become more commonplace after COVID-19 pandemic, Connecticut has the opportunity to pursue partnerships with neighboring states to strengthen the region’s economy
Aging infrastructure, increasing number of residents working outside the state have been challenges