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  • AdvanceCT provides high-impact and inclusive solutions assistance to grow your business.
  • For Connecticut startups and small businesses.
  • Provides site selection, CT registration, resources, and tools to help CT based businesses.


Launched in 1993 as the Connecticut Economic Resource Center, Inc., this economic development entity changed its name to AdvanceCT in 2020. The organization works to engage businesses, recruit new ones, and retain existing ones in Connecticut while advancing the state’s overall economic competitiveness.

In collaboration with the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD), AdvanceCT works to bring together business, government, higher education, and non-profits to implement high-impact and inclusive economic development solutions for the state.

Who’s it for?

Small businesses and startups in Connecticut who want to start or grow their businesses.


AdvanceCT is a non-profit organization that works to engage, retain, and recruit businesses, and advance overall economic competitiveness in Connecticut.

Resources & Services

Advancing Business


  • New Business Checklist is an online tool to help you set up your business
  • License Need Keyword Search allows a business to check what license will be required to register as a CT business
  • Resource Wizard is a digital resource finding tool that provides business owners to find the right resources based on different stages

Site Selection

  • CT Sitefinder provide owners seeking sites in Connecticut for their businesses

Town Profile

  • CT Town Profiles are two-page summaries of demographic and economic information for each of Connecticut’s 169 municipalities

Advancing Partners


  • A variety of research products, ranging from local to global in scale, analyze subjects such as industries with the best potential for growth. Custom analyses such as benchmark assessments and economic development strategies are also available.


  • Municipal Training provides a free 2-hour workshop for economic development professionals within municipalities


  • A Department of Administrative Services-approved vendor since 2002, AdvanceCT’s suite of marketing services covers topics such as communications strategies, statewide marketing campaigns, and branding


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