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Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM)

  • Advocates for legislation that creates economic opportunity in Massachusetts
  • Training, talent management, HR strategy, and compliance
  • Facilitates discussions and events featuring industry experts


The state’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan association of Massachusetts’ employers, Associated Industries of Massachusetts works to create public policy that allows employers to create jobs and economic opportunity. In addition to legislative advocacy work, AIM provides human resources support through guidance on training, talent management, strategy, and compliance.

Who’s it for?

Businesses in Massachusetts.


Promote the well-being of its members and their employees and the prosperity of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by improving the economic climate of Massachusetts, proactively advocating fair and equitable public policy, and providing relevant, reliable information and excellent services.

Resources & Services

AIM HR Solutions

AIM offers a full suite of training services on human resources topics such as management, diversity and inclusion, and workplace safety. The organization also assists companies with HR matters such as recruitment, establishing compensation, outplacement, and checking references.


AIM’s communities allow members to connect with like-minded individuals and find support in areas such as management, international trade, human resources, and sustainability.


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