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Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce

  • Serves businesses in the Lower Naugatuck Valley
  • Networking groups include Industry & Peer Councils geared to specific industries
  • Advocacy efforts include assistance navigating government issues


Since 1964, the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce has lived by its motto: Advancing the Regional Agenda through Business Leadership. It serves the Lower Naugatuck Valley region, using networking and educational events, promotional opportunities, and other strategies to foster economic development and an improved quality of life.

Who’s it for?

Businesses in Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Derby, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton and the surrounding area


The Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce provides leadership to enhance economic growth, development, prosperity and quality of life in the region.

Resources & Services

Business Education Program

The Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Business Education Program offers regular educational events hosted by members as well as quarterly “Super Seminars” hosted by networking groups. The program also includes OSHA seminars and Tech Talks.


In addition to traditional legislative advocacy, the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce assists members in any matters that involve navigating government programs. These topics range from getting a business permit to acquiring aid for disaster recovery.

Networking Groups and Industry & Peer Councils

The Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce hosts regular networking groups, a young professionals group, and Industry & Peer Councils focused on specific industries.


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