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Massachusetts Technology Collaborative

  • A unique public agency supporting business formation and growth in the Massachusetts technology sector
  • Serve as a powerful catalyst, helping turn good ideas into economic opportunity across the Commonwealth
  • Provides business support, fosters collaboration, and offers a strategic focus on talent, ecosystems, and innovation infrastructure


Massachusetts Technology Collaborative supports the formation of new businesses and the growth of existing ones within the state’s technology sector. It offers business support, develops collaborative relationships, and follows a strategy to improve talent, ecosystems, and innovation infrastructure in the sector.

Who’s it for?

Technology companies, academic institutions, incubators, entrepreneurs, and researchers in Massachusetts


Build strategies, strengthen connections, assist companies, make investments, and lead programs to help business success.

Resources & Services


MassTech helps build strategies, launch projects, and manages programs to support a healthy, vibrant statewide innovation economy. These programs help companies find talented workers and receive assistance to grow their company. MassTech also offers initiatives specific to healthcare innovation and broadband expansion.


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