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The Arts Foundation of Cape Cod (AFCC)

  • The regional arts agency for Barnstable County and Cape Cod’s only nonprofit arts and culture organization
  • Serves artists, art forms, and cultural and historical centers
  • Enhances Cape Cod’s reputation as a cultural destination


The Arts Foundation of Cape Cod (AFCC) is the regional arts agency for Barnstable County. As Cape Cod’s only nonprofit arts and culture organization, it supports all artists, art forms, and cultural and historical centers. The organization offers financing, advocacy, and other efforts to support the arts community.

Who’s it for?

Arts and cultural organizations on Cape Cod


Support, promote, and celebrate the arts and culture of Cape Cod in order to sustain a vibrant, diverse and strong arts community.

Resources & Services

Spring & Fall Grants

The AFCC Grant Program provides cash awards in support of the artistic and cultural activities of local organizations and individuals.

Provincetown Performing Arts Fund

The Provincetown Performing Arts Fund (PPAF) strives to provide stability and life-saving support to the beloved community of performance artists who have been instrumental in making Provincetown a vibrant and diverse entertainment destination.

AFCC’s Cape Cod Arts Relief Fund

The AFCC awarded nearly $30,000 in mini-grants to over 75 artists who had lost income or jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It received more than 200 requests for financial assistance from individual artists.


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